Friday, March 26, 2010

The beginnings of a new blog

Thought I would start things off right with a few pictures of my hubby doing what he loves.

I couldn't leave out this picture. I am known around town as the girl from Idaho with all the dogs. But what can you do when you get married? He had two, I had two. . . and then of course my two decided it was time to have pups before we could make a trip to the vet. So now we have a pack of 5. They wouldn't all necessarily need to ride to town to get the mail, but oh well they love it.

NEW BLOG!!! A big thanks to Lisa at Keepin it Kountry Photography. She took the time to help me out with a new blog. It is a lot more efficient than the old blog, and hopefully it loads a lot quicker. You can still view my past blogs on my website, but from now on I'll be posting entries here.

Go check out Lisa's site. There is a link under my favorites tab. She is an awesome photographer located in Manitoba, and so helpful!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lil' Ones

Blog Designed by Lisa of Keepin It Kountry Photography